Why Switch to Hybrid Energy

Power 24*7
Easy installation
Virtually no maintenance
There will be no severe maintenance at all. However, in case of need, the company has service centers on just a call away. A yearly check up will be done by the site engineers to ensure the efficient working of the wind turbines. The system will come with 20 years of warranty and it will last longer than expected.
Awesome savings!

Grid: Rs 7-10 per unit (grid connection)
Diesel Generator: Rs. 25-30 per unit (including DG maintenance)

Steps to switch to Hybrid Energy


Hybrid Energy Consultation

Our expert consultant will show you the benefits of going renewable with Hybrid energy. They will also show the potential of this application at your site and the saving achieved at your site post adopting green energy solution.



Site Selection

After knowing your exact power requirements for a site, Our experts will visit the site for exact measurements and the specifications of the site. They will check the load bearing capacity, power requirement, and wind speed assessment for the site.


Customised Energy Report

After having all the critical parameters for a particular site, our expert will make the customized and specialized energy report on how much you will save by going with the Hybrid energy solution.


Choose recommended product & Sign Agreement

According to the customized energy report, we will recommend the specific product which will fulfill the need of the particular site. With the product finalization, we will provide the commercial quotation for the project. Once the quotation is approved from your end, we will sign the agreement for the project.


Installation & Commissioning

Our certified energy partner will install and commission our recommended product at your site by following standard operating procedures and quality requirements.



Remote Monitoring & Maintenance

Once the product is commissioned and start producing clean energy, you can remotely monitor the performance of the system and calculate the energy savings real time. Moreover, there will be no severe maintenance at all. However, in case of need, our company has service centers on just a call away.

Our Projects

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About Us

Revayu Energy is a clean tech startup providing easy access to affordable & reliable source of power. We provide customized power solutions to varying needs of the user. We started as a wind energy company and grown into a company providing hybrid solutions.

We believe that neither of the technologies such as wind & solar alone can provide the desired power output. Our clients wanted to have reliable power both in day and night. With solar mainly providing power in the daytime and wind providing power at the night time, now clients have power round the clock which reduces the power storage cost. Indian market is very diverse for having different types of regions having varying wind speeds.

Therefore, Revayu has launched 6 blade low cut in low RPM wind turbines working on as low as 1.5 m/s wind speed. Even a slight breeze of air will provide enough torque for wind turbine to start producing power. Therefore, increasing the efficiency and availability of the wind turbines.

We recently got labeled by Solar Impulse Foundation.


Industry News


Cellular News

cellular-news is a leading wireless telecoms online publisher that focuses on the mobile/cellular market.


GSM Association

The GSM Association (GSMA, or Groupe Speciale Mobile Association) is an association of mobile .


Tower Exchange

TowerXchange is an open community for thought leaders in the emerging market tower industry.



NIWE is an autonomous R&D institution under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India.

Our Partners