Hybridization of renewable power sources need to be the current policy objective of any country.
The circumstances under which the hybrid system have been trendy due to rapidly changing in prices, depletion of fossil resources, environmental concerns and significantly its production would add to the congestion of grid networks. This research has developed the hybrid wind and solar power system for both proximate an geographically dispersed locations that might progress towards electricity sustainability.
The two renewable sources have been integrated to utilize each source potential intermittent power generation capability along with the storage battery.
The storage battery has dual mode characteristics provided with charge controller from the respective sources and supply source as well. The monitoring and controlling system has been the core of the entire hybrid power system to maintain the system healthy.
The hybrid system posed satisfactory operation of integration of two renewable sources and feeding the load with connected storage battery source. The proposed system is cost effective and can be utilized in remote locations where the load centre is isolated from the grid network.
In future the proposed system would be integrated with the grid network for utilizing the utility supply during unavailability of power generation from the renewable sources.